
Social responsibility of the business

The Group of Companies UNAKO implements projects on complex construction of the facilities at the federal and international level. But one of important tasks for the business is social responsibility for development of the areas in the regions where the enterprises are located: some of them are city- forming ones.

In 2014 UNAKO acted as general sponsor of the All-Russian Hockey Tournament “Russian Classics”. One of the old sports traditions of the Group of Companies is holding of annual Championship in Indoor Soccer and Spartakiada Games among the employees of enterprises with awarding the Challenge Cup UNAKO. JSC Yuzhnouralsky Insulators and Fittings Plant renders sponsor assistance to team “Meteorite” winning silver in the Champions League at the Night Hockey League Festival in Sochi in 2013. Hockey Team “Aizovets” has been established and residents of Yuzhnouralsk will be able to take part in its games.

The Group of Companies UNAKO supports cultural project “Educators of Yekaterinburg. Selection”: under the album’s cover presented to the public in 2013 biographies and portraits of 120 cultural figures of the widest range of occupations: artists, directors, designers and many others are collected. Another cultural project is “On the Farther Shore: Russian Germans – from the past into the Future” (album and video film) contains character sketches about 60 Russian Germans and cover destines of generations from Labor Army members to their great-grandchildren. In 2013 the Group of Companies became the initiator of the Creativity Festival “UNAKO-Fest” in which all employees of the enterprises may fulfill their abilities.

UNAKO is occupied in implementation of charity projects, in particular, assisting the Center of Assistance to Family and Children "Gnezdyshko" and to the board for elderly and disabled people “Uktussky” (Yekaterinburg)”; top managers of the Group of Companies – Pavel Podkorytov, Vladislav Butin and Denis Tasakov are members of the Guardianship Board of the Board.

The enterprises contribute significantly to implementation of the cultural and historical project for recovery of Simeonova Path from Yekaterinburg to Verkhoturye connecting a number of spiritual centers of Medium Ural.

The Company is responsible to its employees and their families in strict compliance with all the norms provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The Company’s employees may be always sure that the processes of employment, dismissal, documents’ execution, labor payment, transfer of funds into the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund, provision of annual paid leaves and etc. will be solved in compliance with the norms of labor legislation.


Human resources policy of UNAKO represents a system of interaction with the personnel aimed at achievement of strategic goals of the Company. The Company considers that efficient policy of human resources management and growth of HR potential will secure all activity areas of the Group. Development of the personnel is one of the conditions for development and successful functioning of all subdivisions of the Group of Companies.

Requirements to the Company’s employees:

Ambitiousness and assertiveness. We are the team able to implement any large-scale projects on behalf of the company.

High professionalism. Each of us is a professional and expert in his/her direction.

Universality. Each of us possesses a wide range of expertise and skills not only in his/her professional area but also in related fields.

Mobility. Any of us may be involved into the project at any time.

Management potential. Any of us is a potential leader able to take the lead of the project.

Content of the Policy of the Human Resources Management of the Group of Companies UNAKO:

UNAKO keeps up to certain principles which are shared by the Company’s management and its employees:

· We attach much significance to personal traits of the candidates, their aiming for initiative, creativity, responsibility and independency in organization of their work as well as high professional training and possibilities of professional growth.

· We demonstrate operational efficiency and flexibility concerning planning of the number, possible transfers, rotations, changes in the staff.

· We apply non-material methods of promotion as well as various approaches of material incentives of the employees of different subdivisions of the Company.

· We preserve mobility of the Company due to the optimum quantity of the number of employees, their initiatives and independency, interchangeability.

· We enhance efficiency of the personnel by:

- creation of working (project) groups to solve particular tasks

- raising labor remuneration of the employees combining their functions and functions of another specialist instead of attracting new employees.

· We preserve the best in the organizational culture of the Company through elaboration of settled norms and rules.

· We take care for the employees establishing and maintaining the optimum “social package”

· We maintain the desire of the employees to be involved into the company’s business and actions which help to inform the employees about the state of the company’s affairs.

Development of the incentive system for the personnel:

Implementation of the labor incentive system including maintaining of the bonus plan for the personnel in MBO format

The Company maintains the social package for their employees:

- Compensation for POL for their personal vehicles applied for business purposes, provision of corporate transport, participation in corporate events and trips.

We take care of creation of favorable working conditions:

- Arrangement of a comfortable workplace

- Arrangement of the working schedule of the enterprise

-Compliance with occupational health and safety rules

- Supply with materials required for work

- Arrangement of personnel’s’ catering in the office

Programs of training and advance training are being implemented:

- Free or privileged participation in corporate trainings and seminars

- Elaboration of the Schedule of Training and Advanced Training

- Sending to training and advanced training free for employees

- Encouragement of pursuit of self-education and mastering new functional at own workplace, transfer of skills to new employees

The adaptation system of new employees has been created:

- Exposure to the position, acquainting with a new team, corporate culture of the Company

- Setting tasks for the probation period

- Observance and diagnostics of success in passing the adaptation period

Our company pays much attention to maintenance of psychological climate in the team:

- Monitoring of changes in dynamics of the team’s development

- Arrangement of corporate events and tourist trips

- Generation of photo and video archive on the internal site of the Company